These are just some of the questions we are asked but please, if you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact us. Email: team@all4dogsrescue.co.uk


What will I need to do as a foster parent?

Foster homes are responsible for the daily care of the foster dog. This includes feeding, exercising, socialising, grooming, reinforcing basic obedience commands, observing and evaluating general behaviour and temperament and, of course, providing patience, love and security.

It must be understood that all of the animals are rescue and their behaviour can be unpredictable. Be prepared for some adjustment issues in the beginning. It can be stressful for both the foster parent/s and the pup. Be patient. If the going gets tough we will of course help with advice and encouragement!

What happens once I apply to foster?

Firstly, we ask you to fill in an application form. Once this has been received then one of our team will be in contact with you for an informal chat. After this, if you are happy to proceed, we will arrange a homecheck. When the homecheck is completed and both parties are happy - we will then help you prepare for the exciting arrival of your foster.

What is the homecheck process?

When a homecheck is requested you will be visited by a member of our team or a registered homechecker - local to your area. (Homecheckers are volunteers.)

The homechecker will ask some questions regarding your home life, working hours and they will answer any questions you may have. They will need to meet all members of the household and will need to see proof of address and some identification (e.g. passport, driving licence, utilities bill).

They will also need to have a look at your garden and the house to ensure that both provide sufficient security for your foster. If you are in rented accommodation, Landlord permission will be required - this will have to have been requested and received prior to the homecheck being requested.

How long will I be fostering a pup for?

Foster pups vary. Every dog is different and the duration of their time in foster depends on their specific needs. Dogs with special needs may need to stay in foster care for a period of months. Some may stay only for a couple of weeks - this is the minimum time that they MUST stay in a foster home.

What do I do if I experience problems?

You are not on your own. The team are available over the phone 24/7. Being a foster parent is extremely rewarding however, you should remember that many rescue animals are not housetrained and have had little socialisation or obedience training. We do find that, when given a chance, the dogs improve quickly and really flourish in their foster home environment. We will be there to support you every step of the way.

How can I build a bond with a rescue?

  • get into a routine that suits you BOTH

  • feed them

  • play with them

  • go on walks together

  • be patient

  • give them space

  • do not leave them alone for long periods of time

  • teach them basic obedience/manners

Can you adopt your foster dog?

Yes, absolutely. Fosters have the first choice to adopt their foster pup.

What is fostering like?

Fostering a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have - other than adopting of course! By taking a pup in need into your home you are freeing up a rescue space for another dog in danger AND you are giving the pup the time he/she needs to develop, gain confidence and become ready to find their forever home

Do I require previous foster experience?

Absolutely not. We will guide you and help you every step of the way.

I already have animals - is this a problem for fostering?

A common misconception about fostering is that you are not able to foster if you have your own pets. This is not the case. Having pets in a foster home is a positive as it allows the foster family to assess their foster pup’s behaviour around other animals and can promote positive behaviour.