
20th December 2019 to 2nd November 2020

2nd November 2020 is a day we will never forget.   For all of the wrong reasons. 

The saddest day for us at All4Dogs Rescue and one that we hope will never happen again.

We lost our very precious and very beautiful girl Tarka.


Tarka was so so special to us all.  Named after one of the team’s beloved dogs that she lost in January.  Fostered by our very own legendary Becky-Claire.  

She has taken a piece of us all with her.


In the months that she was with Becky and her family Tarka progressed from a shy pup that hid behind plant pots to a beautiful baby that fashioned bandanas with aplomb and LOVED her beach walks with both her humans and her fellow canines. 

From being fearful of men – she loved sitting on her foster Dad’s chest.  She adored the little humans of her family.


Everyone who met her adored her.  Those that cared for Tarka in her final moments, having only recently met her, are bereft.  We all are.  It isn’t ‘fair’.  It isn’t ‘right’. 


Darling girl – we wish we could have saved you.  We would have done anything in our power but it was not to be.


Our only consolation is that you are no longer in pain. 


We will never ever forget you.  You are engraved on our hearts beautiful baby girl.


As one of our amazing and staunch supporters has written in the last 24 hours:

Always loved.  Always remembered.  NEVER forgotten.


Go play with the best that we know are ‘up there’.  They will love you and protect you.