“My sister alerted me to an advert for a bulldog on the All4Dogs Facebook page.

We had been looking for a bulldog rescue after losing our previous bulldog in March.

The advert was very clear with pictures. It clearly stated the needs and requirements for this particular dog and we very quickly realised that we matched with what the dog needed.

I applied immediately. The application was very straightforward.

Within a couple of hours I received a text to say that my application had been received and that the rescue thought we could be a suitable family so a phone call was arranged for later that morning.

When I spoke to Jacqui she immediately put me at ease. She was very easy to talk to and asked me questions about myself and my family and how we could care for our potential dog.

She gave me plenty of opportunities to ask questions and was very thorough in giving me all the information that I needed.

After the conversation I was really excited that we could be matched with the perfect dog for our family. A home visit was booked in for a few days later. This entailed Jacqui checking that our home was suitable for this particular dog and again, giving me time to ask questions as well as giving me more important information. A video was taken so that it could be shared with other people who ran the charity to ensure that it was unanimous amongst a group of experts that we were suitable.

Although this left me on the edge of my seat, it did reassure me that the matching process was very thorough and all in the best interests of the dog.

I felt reassured that if we were turned down it would have been for the right reasons.

Luckily for us we were approved!

The paperwork side of things was completed in a couple of days and

6 days after applying for a our bulldog, we finally collected her!

Billie has filled a hole in our hearts and we feel blessed every day that she chose us.

Because of the details early on, she is perfect for us and we are perfect for her.

All 4 Dogs Rescue are exactly what they say on the tin.. all for dogs!

The dogs needs are the priority and they are very careful and caring when matching the

dogs with potential owners. I have felt fully supported from the rescue since Billie arrived in our home.

They have been on hand to offer advice and support and have an interest in knowing how she’s getting on so that they can ensure the adoption remains successful.

The process was smooth and well informed. I cannot thank them enough for everything they have done!

We are finally complete as a family again!”

 AF, Hampshire (November 2022) 

“Well, this little girl has changed our lives and we adore her.

Having resisted our son's pleas for years - we now wonder why!

All of the ladies at All4Dogs kept us updated and guided us throughout the 'process'

and we know that we can call upon them for help/advice at any stage of Bumble's life which is massively reassuring."

RD (Gloucestershire) - November 2022

“We want to send a HUGE thank you to you all for Bella! She was so shy and timid when she arrived but with hand feeding and building trust she become more comfortable! She is great with children too!

 She loves going nothing more than lying on the sofa cuddling in and watching films.


 Bella is a lovely little dog who has brought so much joy to our home. She is a warm addition to our family and we love her so much!

 P.S she snores very loud but she’s so cute, I can over look that 😂”

 Lisa, James and Olivia in Glasgow Scotland (April 2021)

“Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the teams both in the UK and Romania for bringing us our beautiful Tilly.

We fell in love with a picture and she hasn’t disappointed us.

She was quite shy when she first met us, and although still not great with little humans she is getting there everyday.

I said she wasn’t allowed on the couches or upstairs on our bed but how can you stop her with those gorgeous puppy eyes haha.

She is an absolute gem of a fur baby who is already loved so much and we can’t wait to see her confidence come on with all our new exciting adventures with her!

Thank you again so much for bringing Tilly into our lives."

D&G L, Tyne & Wear (April 2021)

“We spent several months looking for dogs in the U.K. to rescue when we stumbled across the All4Dogs team

 I’d previously been a little nervous about adopting from abroad as you don’t get the chance to meet the dogs first - so it felt like a bit of a leap into the unknown.  I couldn’t have been more wrong

 Once I completed the application, Becky gave me a call and we had a really long chat about my circumstances, my lifestyle,  my home, the kids and cats  - to really get to understand which dog would be a match for us.   This meant when we were matched with Domino, we absolutely knew he would fit in to our home and lifestyle. This is so important in ensuring placements are a success

 We were kept up to date with each stage of the process - so knew when he’d gone to quarantine, when he was leaving Bosnia etc - so had time to fully prepare for our arrival

 On the day they left Bosnia the group of adopters were all put in touch with each other so we could offer support, seek guidance, and share the experiences we were having - so not only backup from the rescue, but also from other people in the same situation.

 The dog that arrived with us is better than we could have hoped for. In lovely physical condition and an absolutely wonderful temperament which is testament to the love and care he’s had whist in his Bosnian rescue.   He’s an absolute joy, and we’re so utterly grateful to have him in our family.  And knowing that Mel, Becky and Jacqui are just a text message away if we have any questions or concerns is so reassuring.

 Next time (as I’m sure we’ll add to the brood before too long) I won’t go anywhere else, I’ll be asking All4Dogs to find our next fur baby for us.

 SS, Northamptonshire (December 2020)

“We’d like to thank the All4Dogs Rescue team for all their help in the adoption process of our beautiful boy Charlie.

We found the adoption very straightforward as my point of contact Becky kept me updated with all the information and what was happening.

It’s reassuring to know the team are on hand for any advice or information after the adoption is completed.

Can’t thank all the team enough for their help, care and compassion.

Best thing we ever did and we would recommend All4Dogs if you feel you could give a dog a loving home. xx"

KS, Scotland (October 2020)

Thank you so much Pat, you are doing an amazing job! Sorry I couldn’t give you a hug today.

We have all completely fallen in love with Cato!

I promise that we will give him the best life imaginable and we will forward pictures of his journey.

Thank you to your organisation, my eyes were opened when we decided to adopt a dog. There are so many people who are involved for the wrong reasons. Which is why we will continue to support All4Dogs Rescue and provide

Cato with the love and care he deserves. Xx"

AL, Lincolnshire 

“After an epic move from Australia, our family sadly had to leave our beloved dog behind with my parents. We felt a void once we settled and Kev started searching for a rescue dog to join our family. Kev found All4Dogs Rescue Facebook page. BOOM !! We spotted Dylan and made contact with the delightful Becky. She was amazing and professional in walking us through the very thorough process from application forms to the home visit. Kev and I were so impressed with Becky she is truly a dog lover and Dylan was so well looked after. He had been microchipped, neutered and vaccinated. Dylan is the perfect fit for our family and we’re so glad to have rescued our beautiful forever doggy from All4Dogs Rescue. I would highly recommend rescuing a beautiful dog from this dedicated and professional team!”

E&K, South Wales

“I just want to say a huge thank you to the team. The work you do is amazing. From the minute I got in touch you have just been outstanding. So much help and guidance and it just shines how much you all genuinely care about the dogs.

We are so delighted to have Roy as part of our family. He is so playful and growing in confidence each day and I am so grateful for your trust in us. He will always have a forever home with us, we just adore him.


If anyone is thinking of getting a puppy I would highly recommend All4Dogs Rescue.

It’s easy enough to buy a puppy/dog but to rescue is something completely different. You are giving these dogs another chance.

The team are with you every step of the way and beyond.

Thanks again everyone.

NH, West Dunbartonshire (April 2021)

We first decided to adopt a rescue in the summer and when I found the website for All4DogsRescue I fell in love with the all the dogs who had been rescued. I wish we could have taken them all but finally decided to foster/adopt Pippa (now Coco). 

We knew there would be a wait because of the time needed for quarantine and travel etc but unfortunately travel restrictions meant an even longer wait. We finally met our pup in November after a long 4 day drive from Bosnia.

It was love at first sight for all of us when we met Coco. She was a beautiful, skinny girl with long legs, the cutest face and an extremely waggly tail.

 The team at All4DogsRescue have been fantastic throughout the whole process -made all the more difficult due to a global pandemic; providing updates and photos when they could. They have been a tower of support since we brought our furbaby home and genuinely care about all the dogs. 

 We have officially agreed to adopt Coco - she is a complete nutter (in a good way), barks at her own reflection, animals on the TV and anyone who walks past the window, and she is taking her time on the toilet training but she has shown us so much love and personality that the more challenging aspects are quickly forgotten, she loves her cuddles, learnt to sit within a day, already shown brilliant recall and loves our children and our other furbaby. The barking is also calming down a lot now (just the toilet training to master now!). 

 Coco is 100% part of our family and we can't thank All4dogsrescue enough for making it possible. Xx

JC, Scotland (December 2020)

“All4DogsRescue have been amazing and with their help and support I have now adopted Suki (Vulpita).

They guided and matched me with the right dog. Ensuring that I was a suitable dog parent, with a professional home check. They have been with me every step of the way and my darling little dog appeared in my life with a pet passport and fully vaccinated.

The journey from first seeing her on their website to arriving in London was a long one and they let me know where my little girl was and how to help her become a much loved confident dog.

The support they have given me, even now, has helped to build the bond between us and has been invaluable.

I can not thank this wonderful group of ladies enough and they bring so much joy to the lives that they touch. All4DogsRescue is a wonderful caring rescue and I will be back as I know that Becky, Mel, Jacqui and Christian will continue to connect the right dogs to their perfect forever loving homes and families."

Rebecca (and Suki) - London (December 2020)

“Adopting Ima through All4Dogs has been an excellent experience throughout.

Becky and Mel have been on hand to offer support, even as COVID has made everything far less than normal.

Ima has settled so well into our home and with our other dog Mabi, it’s like she’s always been here.

I’d recommend adopting a dog through All4Dogs. They are doing great work to help dogs and puppies find their forever homes.

DW, South Wales (September 2020)

“After losing my beloved dog 2 days before lock down I was brokenhearted.

I went on various rescue sites but, because of lock down, had no luck.

Then a friend showed me Lola on the All4Dogs Rescue site and I fell in love.

After filling in an application form I was soon speaking to Becky - Lola’s lovely foster mum. She explained everything to me, all about the rescue, Lola’s past and what would happen next.

I passed the home check and was soon on my way to meet Lola and Becky.

Becky is amazing and has a fantastic way with the dogs that come into her care.

Before long Lola was on her way home with me and has settled in beautifully.

I can’t imagine life without her. She loves everyone and is so gentle and loving - despite her past life.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend All4Dogs Rescue. Fill in a form, be honest about everything and you will soon get a bundle of joy. The team are fantastic, their devotion to the dogs is amazing and they will always have my support. “

JB, Hampshire (September 2020)

Hi Team. 

All4Dogs I cannot thank you enough for what joy and happiness you have brought to our home by introducing us to Spike.🐶

Becky thank you for keeping me update all the step of the way with photos and videos they were so great to have so I could see how he was doing.💖💖

 Can I also thank Rusmira in Bosnia for taking such good care of him and still caring about him when we first got him 💕and making him into the little character he is today. 

Ladies you are so caring and are amazing what you do. My adoption of Spike would not have happened without you all and I cannot thank you all enough from the bottom on my heart how happy you have made me feel - complete xxx

DC, Wiltshire (December 2020)

“My family cannot thank All4Dogs  enough for bringing Mr Cracker into our lives. He is amazing and brought a huge lift to us all.

About All4Dogs - what can I say - absolutely professional and caring to the core.

You can tell from the passion these people feel for the dogs that this is their vocation. So much so it made me want to quit my job of 20 years and be part of the All4Dogs  family (I didn't though - not yet anyway🤣).

We adopted Mr Cracker from Bosnia. The entire team was so helpful and professional making sure that both Mr Cracker and my family was the right match.

They explained all about Mr Cracker’s background  so that we were prepared for what we were taking on. They kept us informed right the way through the process, from the initial vetting, home visit, quarantine and eventual transport to us.

The after care and support has been amazing..

Thank you once again All4Dogs for bringing Mr Cracker into our lives. He has an amazing life now . He has an abundance of cuddles from the whole family and a place to finally call home.  ❤️❤️😍 THANK YOU “

ND, Hampshire (December 2020)

“What an amazing bunch of ladies running this fabulous rescue.

They think outside the box and use common sense and I can’t thank them enough for delivering the most gorgeous natured, happy and bright addition to our family.

The rescue in Bosnia ensured that the dogs were healthy and as ready for their new homes as possible and although it was a very long journey to the UK the settling in period was quick and our pup certainly seems very grateful !

We will always have rescue dogs in the future thanks to All4Dogs Rescue.

SC, Gloucestershire (December 2020)

“It was an absolute pleasure to work with All4Dogs to adopt Stella.

Communication was quick and easy and they answered any questions I had along the way.

It is clear that All4Dogs and Christian in Romania really have the dogs best interests at heart and work so hard to make sure they have lovely homes to go to.

We are absolutely smitten with Stella and would recommend All4Dogs to anyone looking to adopt.

If we ever look to expand our family, we will definitely be back. Keep up the great work everyone!"

CH, Hampshire (October 2020)

“I was so lucky to have come across 'All4dogs' Rescue while browsing the web for a dog to adopt.

Unfortunately the dog we wanted had already found a home but right from the very start, they were there to help and suggested a puppy for us. I was hesitant at first because I was after a slightly older dog but the amount of support and reassurance we received was excellent.

Any question I had from training to behaviour, no matter how small - they were able to help straight away. I was always informed of how my pup was doing before she arrived in the UK and the hand over was simple and easy.

My pup was in quarantine for a month before travelling and all her vaccinations, worming and flea treatments had been given. Then my beautiful pup arrived (with her passport!) The first two weeks were always going to be a learning curve as I knew my pup hadn't seen a house before let alone heard a microwave but it went smoothly and she has settled in beautifully.

I can't imagine our home without her. Thank-you to All4Dogs for all their hard work, their continuous support and for all the wonderful work they do to help dogs in need.”

ST, Warwickshire (September 2020)